Monday, May 30, 2011


Went down to Wellington for my friends birthday this weekend. It was pretty good- Me and my friend Li went down together. I haven't seen her in like a month so it was SO good to have a catch up- its a 2 hour drive down to Wellington from here and we talked non-stop the whole way. I love trips like that where one conversation just  evolves into another.

We got to Wellington, it seemed so quick and made our way to Siobhan's through the maze that is the country's capital.Its such an awesome place- it makes me feel a little down about where I live which isn't good!!!

So we started drinking at like 5 and that was mainly because we had arrived super early and for me anyway I needed booze to lubricate conversation with awkward flatmates. Also I got to meet Justin- He and I come from the same town and while we have seen each other around we have never officially me... After basically 24 hours with him I think I have developed somewhat of a crush which also sucks since we don't even live in the same place.

This is where I casually skip over the part where I vommed all over a power box in the middle of the city after downing the speediest drink. And cut straight to the part where I told some guy that my name was Dylan because that was his name too and then when a questioned my honestly I said; "What kind of fuck wit would lie about his age?" - turns out that fuck wit is me!!!!

We also met this guy:

 from this tv show:

Which I actually can't stand so when Siobhan ran off screaming to get a photo with him and I finally caught up and realised who had caused the commotion my face did this:

Which was kinda obvious and thinking back on it ... kind of rude but I've just filed it under 'shit happens'.

Other than that and the vom incident it was a top night!!! 

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