Monday, June 6, 2011

The Lazy Song

So its a long weekend here and I think if I had to sum up my life for the past three days this song would best describe it:

Its funny how a bit of alone time can make you think. I have come up with 5 random things that I have decided about myself and my life as a result of all of this thinking:

1. I want to move
2. I hate call centres
3. I want to feel pursued (at least once!)
4. I need to stop drinking
5. I NEED to get back into running

I think I like to change my mind a lot also which makes decisions about my life tricky. So I have decided I need to focus on the things I can control and work on the small things before I have any hope of tackling the big stuff.

Okay so basically I can tackle 1 & 2 at the same time- which looking at things can't be straight away.
3 I have no control over so there is no point even spending much more time thinking about it.
So through process of elimination I am going to be looking at 4 & 5 for the next month- Here is how I want this to work-

Step 1: RUN! Every day after work- no matter what the weather. No matter how much I can not be fucked. I know I will thank myself in the end (I may need help being reminded of that!)

Step 2: DRINK LESS! This is also going to help me with the 'saving plan' I bought up in an earlier post. So I say 'Stop Drinking' yes but I think this will have to be a gradual process because lets be honest- I'm only 22 and I like to have fun and no... sadly I'm not one of those people who can go out clubbing completely sober and enjoy myself. This I think stems from a lack of self confidence- now heres where things get interesting...

I figure I run more and drink less I get fitter and healthier and shed a few right- ergo confidence rises... I figure  self confidence isn't something you either have or you don't it is something you need to grow and maintain. Hence the more I run and the less I drink - Ill be out clubbing sober in no time (okay so maybe not THAT fast... but faster than if I sat here and bitched about it without doing anything).

Also funny story about number 3- so I slept with this guy I like a while back and I haven't really spoken to him since. Mainly because I was completely drunk when it happened and dont remember anything. But it's funny because its a situation that I found paralleled one Jack is going through in his most recent post at Confronting the Confused- If you dont read it let me just tell you its deffo worth a read.

Anyway the situation is this: I told Zachary I liked him a lot and what I got back was "You're a really nice guy but I feel I should be honest with you. Im not really looking to be romantic with anyone at the moment. Im too happy being by myself." - I kind of understood this to an extent because I LOVE single life but when I probed him further it seemed like that was a life plan for him and it kind of threw me. I mean I know everyone is entitled to live their life the way they want to (and Im not judging at all) I just never thought at this age there would be people making plans to be alone the rest of their life- and I dont mean no friends of family but surely there are just some things/needs only a partner can fulfil?

Anyway recap- RUN MORE, DRINK LESS!


 Before you comment on what I'm wearing- it was for a quiz night... Team theme "Social Misfits". Front to back: Geek, Slut, Emo

1 comment:

  1. Hey haha, thanks for the shout out hehe, and ty for the compliment :) I completely know what your going through. I mean, when me and Peter broke up he (unintentionally, i think lol) kept me on the fence simply by saying "i really do love you, but we cant be together", just sending mixed signals. So i know what your going through, but i say 'ahhh feck it lol. If he wants to be with you he will, if he wants to be single he will. Simple as that, and its his own fault if he isnt going to act on anything :) his loss xx

    great blog btw :)
